This guide aims to support students and teachers in developing strong writing skills across different grades, ensuring consistency, clarity, and professionalism in all writing projects. Guidelines for writing projects to ensure students develop clear, consistent, and professional writing skills. It supports both individual and collaborative projects.
Teacher-Approved Internet Research Sites
Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources
Works Cited Page
Use Easybib, Citation Machine, or create citations by hand.
Generate ideas through discussions, mind maps, or free writing.
Creating Outlines
Grades 5-6: Handwritten outlines.
Grades 7-8: Use Google Classroom for outlining.
Note Taking Methods
Grades 5-6: Handwritten notes.
Grades 7-8: Digital notes in Google Classroom.
Paraphrasing and Avoiding Plagiarism
Practice paraphrasing to put information in your own words.
Learn what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it.
Simplified Citation Methods
For younger students: Use basic citation formats with the author’s name and title.
Writing the Rough Draft
Editing and Revising
GUMPS: Focus on Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Punctuation, and Spelling.
Common Areas of Struggle: Sentence structure and paragraph organization.
Document Formatting, Grades 5-8:
Font: 12-point Times New Roman
Color: Black
Spacing: Double-spaced
Indentation: Indent paragraphs
Sample Works Cited Page
Include author, title, publisher, and publication date.
Grade-Specific Formatting Requirements
Follow the standard formatting unless otherwise specified for presentations or displays.
Approved Sources to Use
At least the number of sources specified for each grade level.
Avoid Wikipedia and unverified student projects.
Use websites, books, journal articles, podcasts, etc.
Simplified Citation Methods
Use basic formats appropriate for the student's grade level.
Citing AI Tools
In-text citation: Describe the AI tool and its output.
Works Cited:
Format: "Title of AI tool," Version number, Company/Developer, Date accessed.
In-text citation: "The analysis suggests a potential link between..." ("AI-generated content analysis," Bard 1.0, Google AI, 27 February 2024).
Works Cited: "Bard 1.0," Version 1.0, Google AI, 27 February 2024.
Citation Facts for Kids: Kids Kiddle Citation
MLA Style Guidelines: Purdue OWL MLA Style
Simplified Citation Resources: Check specific guides for younger students.